I will continue to add to this list until the season is over so that my fellow bay area residents and visitors will know where to find amazing goods crafted by local makers this November and December.
First up, come see me at the 2019 Indie Holiday Emporium, brought to you by the amazing SFEtsy Street Team. Please note this show is in a new location this year! Click the photo for the Eventbrite listing or click this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-sf-etsy-indie-holiday-emporium-tickets-77420112641
You can also find me at the Brightworks Maker Marketplace on Saturday, December 7th, 11:00AM - 4:00PM. This event is part of the Brightworks School and will be held in their gym located at 345 8th Avenue in San Francisco, California.
Catch me at the That's What She Made maker faire on Sunday, December 8th.
Then, it's on to the Maverick Market in the Crocker Galleria in Downtown San Francisco on December 18th, once again brought to you by the good people who run the SFEtsy Street Team.